Monday, February 9, 2009

What Am I????

Thank you all for guessing the gender! Here's what you guessed:

Where you right?

We are absolutely thrilled to find out that we are having a boy!!!!!!! The sonographer asked us if we wanted to know just as she was begining. We told her yes and the very first thing that showed up on the screen was that second to last picture!! I was so excited that I just started crying. John and I are looking foward to meeting our new son!


Teresa (Grandma) said...

Oh My Gosh, we are soooooo thrilled to see this baby BOY! What an exciting surprise,WHOOHOO! Can't wait to hold him. Now Mommy and Daddy can address him by name. That is so wonderful. I showed everyone I could the pictures at smmc er yesterday, they loved it. Now we can start getting some "stuff". We love you guys so much. Grandma T.F.

Aunt Chelsee and Uncle Jay said...

I'm so happy for you both! Congradulations again!

What colors are you going to use in the nursery?