Saturday, May 30, 2009

Prego John

Since it's been a while since we updated the blog, I have some fun things to share...

This was at one of our birth classes. All of the guys - well the ones brave enough to try it - got to put on these sympathy suits and were asked to do common things that are hard for pregnant women to do.

Aren't we cute?

There's someone on each side of you and you are at a meeting at work. You drop your pen...try to pick it up.

You're in bed at home...try repositioning - it's not so easy is it?

I have to say that watching John strut his stuff in the belly suit was quite humerous!


Unknown said...

How did the dropped pen work out for you, maybe that is how the pants get split :-)


Kristin said...

Ha Ha!!! I'm not really sure how the pants split - I didn't notice until someone told me. But you never know! LOL!