Well the boy has arrived. Aaron Michael named from my brother's middle name and mine was born yesterday at 3:10 in the afternoon, weighing in at a good 7lbs and 7oz. He was 19 and one quarter inches long and for all the medical professionals out there his Apgar was 8.99 (which is great).
Kristin and I arrived at the hospital at 5pm on Sunday to get checked in; at 7am on the 22nd the nurses came in and started the Pitocin which is the hormone that causes the uteri us to contract and help move the baby down with contractions. Our doctor Dr. Swartzman came in to see us at 8:30 and decided that it would be best to break her water in order to help move things along. During this time our doula Vanessa Flood was stretching herself between us and another patient that was in labor at the same time! Fortunately she brought in one of her other fellow doula in order to help; Tara Wallingford was awesome! When things got rough without those two women right there helping out I don’t know what would have happened (to Kristin or me). So Kristin had been following her plan to have this baby as naturally as possible up to being dilated to a 3 and effaced 80%, however, her blood pressure had been continuing to rise along with the intensity of her contraction and the doctor and doula were all becoming nervous. (But not me...) After Venessa and Dr. Swartzman discussed the possibilities and risks vs. benefits of continuing on everyone decided that the epidural would be the best route. Kristin did not want this but when she was giving the talk about how it was mostly going to be the greatest beneficial factor for her against having a c-section she decided to get one. By the time the doctor came in her contraction were coming regularly and getting really intense. Her blood pressure was the highest it had ever been. The epidural was tough but Kristin handled it well and after about 20 minutes her blood pressure returned to normal and she was actually able to take a small nap.
The real fun began around 2:30pm as Kristin began to tell Tera that she was really getting urges to push and was starting to feel more and more uncomfortable. The nurse came in and checked her and she was dilated to a 10 and completely effaced. They decided to start letting her push and see how she did. Well turns out that my wife is a Rock star pusher she was doing so well that they actually had to tell her to stop so that the doctor could get here in time for baby. So the official start time for pushing was 2:45pm and she pushed until 3:10pm which is apparently quite awesome for a first time mom. She did really well and brought our son into the world in the way that she wanted regardless of the circumstances.
I cannot describe in words an accurate feeling of what it means or how I feel when I look at my son. The miracle is amazing, as far as I'm concerned God was right there in that room with us to give us Aaron. (Who came out with his eyes open and staring up at everyone!)
There will be much more to come as to how he is doing and all the fun things that we have experienced so far.
To the family and friends: Thank you for carrying us this far the three of us will always be grateful for what you have done for us and we love you all.
Kristin and I arrived at the hospital at 5pm on Sunday to get checked in; at 7am on the 22nd the nurses came in and started the Pitocin which is the hormone that causes the uteri us to contract and help move the baby down with contractions. Our doctor Dr. Swartzman came in to see us at 8:30 and decided that it would be best to break her water in order to help move things along. During this time our doula Vanessa Flood was stretching herself between us and another patient that was in labor at the same time! Fortunately she brought in one of her other fellow doula in order to help; Tara Wallingford was awesome! When things got rough without those two women right there helping out I don’t know what would have happened (to Kristin or me). So Kristin had been following her plan to have this baby as naturally as possible up to being dilated to a 3 and effaced 80%, however, her blood pressure had been continuing to rise along with the intensity of her contraction and the doctor and doula were all becoming nervous. (But not me...) After Venessa and Dr. Swartzman discussed the possibilities and risks vs. benefits of continuing on everyone decided that the epidural would be the best route. Kristin did not want this but when she was giving the talk about how it was mostly going to be the greatest beneficial factor for her against having a c-section she decided to get one. By the time the doctor came in her contraction were coming regularly and getting really intense. Her blood pressure was the highest it had ever been. The epidural was tough but Kristin handled it well and after about 20 minutes her blood pressure returned to normal and she was actually able to take a small nap.
The real fun began around 2:30pm as Kristin began to tell Tera that she was really getting urges to push and was starting to feel more and more uncomfortable. The nurse came in and checked her and she was dilated to a 10 and completely effaced. They decided to start letting her push and see how she did. Well turns out that my wife is a Rock star pusher she was doing so well that they actually had to tell her to stop so that the doctor could get here in time for baby. So the official start time for pushing was 2:45pm and she pushed until 3:10pm which is apparently quite awesome for a first time mom. She did really well and brought our son into the world in the way that she wanted regardless of the circumstances.
I cannot describe in words an accurate feeling of what it means or how I feel when I look at my son. The miracle is amazing, as far as I'm concerned God was right there in that room with us to give us Aaron. (Who came out with his eyes open and staring up at everyone!)
There will be much more to come as to how he is doing and all the fun things that we have experienced so far.
To the family and friends: Thank you for carrying us this far the three of us will always be grateful for what you have done for us and we love you all.
More pictures to come when we get home....
I've never seen a more beautiful baby! He is so precious and I just want to hold him forever....but I promise to share:-) I'm so proud of his parents too! You both seem like you were born to be great parents. Congratulations Farnsworth family!
I love you!
congrats! he is beautiful! isn't it the best?!?
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